Friday, August 10, 2012

Day two update

Today started early at 4:30 when I realized Jada had not been able to get our attention during the night and had been sick. After cleaning up the mess, thank goodness for vinyl floors, I looked up the BRAT diet for dogs and cooked her up some brown rice and hamburger. 

I weighed all the puppies and they all are gaining well. They are moving around the pen and finding their mother to nurse without problem. Jada seems more comfortable this time around with laying down and not on the babies. She does not want Kaja or Mazi around and I put the exercise pen up around the box to give her a feeling of protection, bells on the pen let me know when she is trying to get out.

We put adjustable cord in different colors around the puppies necks to make identifying them easier.

Here is the puppy break down:

Order - sex - birth time - birth weight -  cord id color - color & markings
Puppy one - girl - 9:30 am - 12.8 oz - Pink/Black cord - black
Puppy two - girl - 10:40 am - 14.6 oz - Red cord - black w/ white stripe on chest
Puppy three- boy - 10:46 am - 12.3 oz Black/White cord - black
Puppy four - boy - 11:01 am - 12.5 oz - Black/Blue cord - black
Puppy five - girl - 11:10 am - 12.3 oz - Purple/Black cord - black
Puppy six - boy - 11:28 am - 11.9 oz - Red/White cord -  black
Puppy seven - boy - 11:58 am - 10.0 oz - Green cord - black
Puppy eight - boy - 12:42 pm - 10.5 oz - Blue cord - black
Puppy nine - boy - 1:00 pm - 9.8 oz - Black/Orange cord - black w/ white blaze on chest
Puppy ten - girl - 1:36 pm - 12.1 oz - Teal Blue cord - black

I hope to have individual pictures of each puppy up sometime on Sunday.

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